Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation


03 Rainbow

OTPP & OMERS Pension Fall Webinars - 2024

OTPP & OMERS Pension Fall Webinars - 2024
Please be advised thatin addition to the in-person pension workshops (OTPP -Oct 21standOMERS - Oct 22nd)being delivered during the 2024-2025 federation year, OSSTF/FEESO and Educators Financial Group (EFG) will be offering the following OTPP and OMERS pension webinars to our members.
For the Fall, the dates will be:

OMERS - English November 18th @ 5:30pm – 6:45pm Register at:

OMERS - French November 28th @ 7:00pm – 8:15pm Register at:https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/122471743670858839

OTPP November 11th @ 4:30pm – 5:45pm Register at:https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2745110441125870943

These webinars will focus specifically on pension planning and retirement. Whether members are 15 years from retirement or a few months away, they’ll discover common sense financial strategies and retirement planning ideas. The webinars are approximately 75 to 90 minutes long and provide opportunities for members to ask questions of the OSSTF/FEESO and EFG presenters.

Once registered, members will receive a calendar invite and a confirmation email with the specific link to the webinar selected, as well as reminder emails closer to the date.

Members will also be able to request a meeting to speak privately with an EFG financial specialist assigned to their region at the conclusion of the webinar, or they can submit a request through the following web link:
https://educatorsfinancialgroup.ca/. Local leaders are encouraged to promote the webinars to their members.

Any questions you may have can be directed to Thomas Golightly at