Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation


Benefits & Wellness

Benefits Information

All information regarding the OSSTF Benefits Plan now resides on a separate website:

Education work can be stressful. Increasing workloads, greater demands from students and families for ever more diverse services, and the intricacies of our own personal lives can take a toll on anyone working in education. As an OSSTF/FEESO member, you have access to a wide range of services. They span the personal, professional and protective needs of all members. This section of the website includes information and links for you, our members.

Documenting Incidents

With an increase in discipline issues regarding students in all schools, we are asking all members to not only report those issues but also to share with the District Office a PDF copy of the filed report. In order to bring about change, we need to have this evidence to present. We recognize that this can be seen as extra work, but this is the best process that will bring these issues to light.

OSSTF District 3 Reference - Incident Reporting

Services for Struggling Members

Many OSSTF members are unaware of the services available to them through their membership in the federation. The attached document provides a summary of these resources, services, and benefits.

Services for Struggling Members

Women's Advocate Program

OSSTF/FEESO believes that the union has a role to play in assisting members who are experiencing workplace sexual harassment, intimate violence, and abuse. Therefore, OSSTF/FEESO is demonstrating this commitment by announcing our new Women’s Advocate Program. Women’s Advocates are not counsellors. They are specially trained volunteers who can provide support for women who may need assistance accessing workplace supports and community services or resources.

For more information, use the following links:

D3 Women's Advocate Program
OSSTF Provincial: Women’s Advocate Program

What to do if you are injured in the workplace

Schools are not as dangerous as some workplaces, but there are times when we may be injured on the job. You slip on the ice in the school parking lot. You trip and fall over an unsecured extension cord. Then what? The attached document provides an overview of the accident reporting process including submission of a Workers Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) claim.

Injury Infographic
What to do if you are injured in the workplace