Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation


General Resources

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Adverse Reports Advisory

An Adverse Report is a formal approach for dealing with conflict involving a colleague. Although OSSTF has other ways to deal with conflict between members, such as the Mediation Services Resource Bank, workplace representatives, and the representatives at the Lively office, an adverse report allows members to take steps with administration when they feel there are no other options. If you have a conflict with a colleague, it is suggested that your first step would be to address the issue with the colleague by speaking directly to that member. Should this not be possible or successful, you can also get assistance from your workplace representative, or the representatives at the Lively office. Should none of these options be suitable, there is the adverse report. When a conflict cannot be resolved, the member can choose to approach an administrator to deal with the issue. If this is the path chosen, it is OSSTF policy that the member having the difficulty must furnish the offending colleague with an adverse report stating that the administrator was notified of the conflict, and the details of said conflict. The notification must be in writing. At this point, it is probable that D3 OSSTF would be contacted and involved in the dispute. It should be noted that OSSTF encourages members to resolve issues with the assistance of OSSTF and carefully consider whether or not to involve RDSB administration, which has the possibility of resulting in discipline for one or more of our members. Also note that the adverse report also applies to colleagues from other union affiliates, such as ETFO.

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District 3 Childcare and Dependent Care Policy

OSSTF District 3 has established a policy surrounding childcare and dependent care to allow for reimbursements when a member attends an authorized OSSTF District 3 activity. The policy document is attached below for your reference.

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Members-Only Section of the Provincial Website

To obtain your member ID number and password: Contact PROVINCIAL OFFICE at 1-800-267-7867 or Membership-Database@osstf.ca

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